Deck the Halls!

I am starting this blog post with the following disclaimer: I have never set up my Christmas tree before Thanksgiving before. EVER. With that said, Seth and I put up our Christmas tree this past weekend and it was glorious! 👍

We've been incredibly busy lately. Work has picked up a bit right before the holidays, and because I teach college courses, I've been swamped with grading and student emails. Our weekends have been full! So, because of this, Seth and I made a promise that last weekend was going to just be an 'us' weekend. We were going to deep clean the house and decorate... and that's just what we did. But, not after we took a couple of drives out to our local Walmart, Home Depot, and Target. (Not to mention the 2 separate stops to our favorite local diner to get some good omelettes!)

We purchased our first (fake) Christmas tree back in grad school. It wasn't the best looking plastic tree, but, it served its purpose and has been with us for about 8 years. So, this year, since we were all settled into our forever home, we decided that we should upgrade our tree game. It's so sparkly and new!

So, armed with a new sparkly tree, new ornaments, brand new tree skirt, and much more Christmas-y things we got to decorating! (With Christmas music blasting in the background, of course) 😀

Here is some photo evidence of the shenanigans that went on.

Expertly fluffing the branches! 

Our tree has sparkles on the end of the branches...Seth had to vacuum a lot! 

The following photos are some of our annual Christmas ornaments! We have ornaments from each Christmas we have spent together! 

We weren't the only ones that enjoyed the Christmas tree and festive ambiance! The animals loved exploring the new fixture in the formal living room!

Fermi has been caught sneaking around the presents!

Roz knew she was going to be in for a photo shoot and she wasn't too happy about it!

Roz loves this, guys! I promise! (See even she got decorated with a Christmas themed bandana)

We didn't just stop at the tree. 😆We even decorated the dining room and the fireplace! Seriously, no one stopped me!

So very festive! 

Stockings! (+1 for Baby Hogg)

We couldn't stop the ridiculousness there! So, we had a photo shoot with Roz and the fireplace!

 It was a great weekend! And there were plenty of laughs and great memories made! Now, I'm entirely ready for some turkey and cranberry sauce! 

Thank you all for your continued support and love! We appreciate that you all continue to stop by and check in with our blog and our little family! 

Seth and I send you all the best holiday wishes! 
Happy Turkey Day!! 

All of our love, 
Shana and Seth


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